Lip Sync Songs and Participant Information

Lip Sync Songs and Participant Information

This form is for any group participating in Lip Sync. Please indicate which songs you would like to use in your performance (up to 10 songs). Songs will be approved on a first come, first served basis so you may be asked to make edits. Please also indicate who will be participating with your team (up to 80 individuals). Please submit this form by Friday, October 11th. As we get closer to the event, keep an eye out for an email from SUBOG regarding Lip Sync Production Meetings and check in times.

  • ArtistSong Title 
    Song selection is being handled on a first come, first served basis. If your song(s) have already been submitted by another time, you will be asked to make changes. You may submit up to (10) songs. These will be the only audio your team may use in your Lip Sync performance. Thanks for your understanding. Please use the "+" sign to add additional rows.
  • Last NameFirst NameNet IDOrganization 
    Please put in order alphabetically by last name. If you would prefer to use excel, please follow the same format listed on this form and submit below.
  • Max. file size: 250 MB.
    Please submit this form in the same format as list above (5 columns - Last Name, First Name, Net ID, and Organization. All Participants must be listed in alphabetically order by last name.
  • Max. file size: 250 MB.
    May not be longer than 50 words (roughly 20 seconds of reading)
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.